Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Book Review: "Be the Solution," by Michael Strong

By Max Borders

Most people think politics boils down to different answers to the question: how do we make the world a better place? According to idealist Michael Strong, step one is to ditch the politics. The second step to making the world better -- that is, making global progress in areas like human well-being, environmental health and individual happiness -- is to shed what can only be described as some of our cultural baggage.

Consider what we'll call the "Zero-sum Three":

Manichaeism—People are good or evil and the world is black and white;
Pessimism—The glass is half empty (and it's usually somebody else's fault); and
Statism—Government can and should solve all of our problems. It's easier to hope and pray (to bureaucracies) than to "just do it".

Be the Solution, a new book by FLOW co-founder Michael Strong, is as much about unleashing entrepreneurship as it is a serious critique of the Zero-sum Three. And in Strong's view, entrepreneurship is more than just making money. Much more. Drucker and Hayek? Meet Maslow and the Mahatma. (more)

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